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- ' Tour4. A knight's tour of an 4 x 4 board with option of screen printout.
- ' Originally written in True Basic; revised by Terry Peterson with TB materal
- ' commented out by apostrophes and A/C routines substituted as required.
- ' Both straight and recursive moves are graphically visible. This program has
- ' been compiled into the A/C Basic runtime package. RUN tour4.bas.run at any
- ' CLI prompt. You do NOT need to load Amiga Basic.
- option base 1: defint a-z
- ' ask color user
- ' set mode "high4" ' So we can Amiga N and M in and out & multitask
- cls ' clear
- print "A quick-and-dirty Knight's Tour from recursion"
- let size = 4
- let sizesq = size*size
- dim board(size,size), best(size,size)
- ' Define possible moves in sets: a for x axis, b for the y.
- dim a(8), b(8)
- data 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2
- data 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1
- MatRead a()
- MatRead b()
- color 3 ' set color "red"
- locate 3,1 ' set cursor 3,1
- print "Print all moves? Enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no. ";
- while (visible<>asc("y"))and(visible<>asc("n")) ' do
- visible=asc(inkey$+chr$(0)) ' get key visible
- wend ' loop until visible = asc("y") or visible = asc("n")
- let visible = (visible = asc("y"))
- color 1 ' set color user
- print
- cls ' clear
- ' set cursor 1,1
- Print "Pass:"
- ' open #4: printer ' Uncomment this to print all squares
- ' of a given size in subroutine.
- let board(1,1) = 1 ' We start on a corner square
- call try((2), (1), (1)) ' Second move, starting at x = 1, y = 1
- if ok = 1 then
- print "SUCCESS!"
- MatPrint board() ' We did it!
- else
- color 3 ' set color "red" ' Sorry, Sam--no way from here to there.
- print
- print "No solution, Sam. Here's the best board we got:"
- MatPrint best()
- end if
- print "We generated"; totalmoves; "legal moves to find this out--"
- print "And of those,"; legalmoves; "were to open squares."
- print "We made a total of"; pass; "computer passes through the code."
- waitkey
- end
- sub waitkey
- x%=pos(x%):y%=csrlin
- locate 23,27
- color 3: print "Press any key to continue.";: color 1
- while inkey$="" :wend
- locate 23,27:print " ";
- locate y%,x%:print
- end sub
- sub try(movenbr, x, y)
- shared ok, size, sizesq, pass, visible 'Global vars from main routine
- shared bestboard, totalmoves, legalmoves ' (all other vars local)
- shared a(), b(), board(), best()
- let oldx=x : let oldy=y ' Save initial pos. at this level
- let trynbr = 0 ' Start trying at the beginning
- let ok = 0 ' OK later says a move succeeded.
- while (ok<1)and(trynbr<8)
- if not visible then
- locate 1,6 ' set cursor 1,6
- print pass
- end if
- let trynbr = trynbr + 1 ' The eight possible moves of a Knight.
- let pass = pass + 1 ' Total passes made by program
- let nextx = x + a(trynbr)
- let nexty = y + b(trynbr)
- if nextx => 1 and nextx <= size and nexty >= 1 and nexty <= size then
- let totalmoves = totalmoves + 1
- if board(nextx,nexty) = 0 then 'Not been here before
- let board(nextx,nexty) = movenbr 'Ah, sweet success.
- let ok = 1
- let legalmoves = legalmoves + 1
- if visible then
- print "Pass:"; pass; " Move #:"; movenbr
- MatPrint board()
- waitkey
- end if
- if movenbr > bestboard then ' Store our best board or recursion
- let bestboard = movenbr ' will destroy the last moves.
- ' let Mat best = board Sorry....
- for i%=lbound(best,1) to ubound(best,1)
- for j%=lbound(best,2) to ubound(best,2)
- best(i%,j%)=board(i%,j%)
- next j%
- next i%
- end if
- ' if movenbr => 15 then ' Uncomment this to print
- ' print #4: "Pass no:"; pass 'all squares of given size to check
- ' mat print #4: board; ' for duplicates. None found.
- ' end if
- if movenbr < sizesq then ' Parens around parms in recursive call force
- let x = nextx ' call by value, not by reference
- let y = nexty
- call try(movenbr + 1, (x), (y)) 'Recursive try for next move.
- if ok = 0 then 'Nope, didn't work. Back up!
- let board(x,y) = 0
- let x = oldx
- let y = oldy
- end if
- if visible then
- color 3 ' set color "red"
- print "Uncoil from recursion.";
- print " Move No."; movenbr
- MatPrint board()
- waitkey
- end if
- else
- let ok = 1 'By George, we've got it!
- end if
- end if
- end if
- wend ' loop until ok = 1 or trynbr = 8
- end sub
- sub MatRead (x())
- for i%=lbound(x) to ubound(x)
- read x(i%)
- next i%
- end sub
- sub MatPrint (x(2))
- for i%=lbound(x,1) to ubound(x,1)
- for j%=lbound(x,2) to ubound(x,2)
- print using "###"; x(i%,j%);
- next j%: print
- next i%
- end sub